英会話コース ネイティブ講師

Caleb Parsons
- CELTA Certificate: International House, San Diego California(カリフォルニア州サンデイエゴ インターナショナルハウス CELTA修了証)
- Japanese Proficiency Test N2(日本語能力試験レベルN2)
Mr. Parsons majored in Spanish and Linguistics at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). After graduation, he promptly moved to Osaka, Japan to teach English in 2007. He has taught English at the kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, high school, and university levels. He has been a KEC English instructor since summer, 2011.
I have studied multiple languages including Japanese and Persian so I can sympathize with foreign language students. This experience helps me offer better quality instruction to the Japanese regarding English learning. Communication is an integral part of being human and I’d like to assist you in your journey towards being the best you can be at English!