
英検®1級エッセイ — 都市化は日本社会に好影響を与えてきたか?




 前回のブログでは、「エッセイの書き方は多くの市販の教材に書かれていますし、ネット上でも言い尽くされています。私自身が学生時代に通った英会話スクール(大阪)でも、耳にタコができるほど聞かされました。スペースの関係上、ここでは説明を省きます。」と書かせて頂きました。しかし、読者の方から「その部分を読ませてほしい」というリクエストを戴きました。また、英検1級のライティング試験は2016年度第1回からの比較的新しい変更点ですので、現時点では「多くの市販の教材に書かれていますし、ネット上でも言い尽くされて」はいない、といえます。従って本日は、英検1級ライティング試験(エッセイ)の答案作成について述べます。題材は、前回のブログで例に挙げた 2014年度第3回のトピック “Has urbanization had a positive effect on Japanese society?  を取り上げます。



[テーマ] “Has urbanization had a positive effect on Japanese society?





  [1段落] 導入

  [2段落] 本論(理由1つ目)

  [3段落] 本論(理由2つ目)

  [4段落] 本論(理由3つ目)

  [5段落] 結論



 英検1級のライティング試験にエッセイが導入されたのは2004年度第2回ですが、過去問を全て分析すると、最初の3回と2006年度第1回を除くと全て、「テーマに対してYesなのかNoなのかを問うもの」と「賛成なのか反対なのかを問うもの」に大別できます。どちらのパターンで出題されても、第1段落で結論( 「YesNoか」もしくは「賛成か反対か」 )を明示する必要があります。エッセイライティングで最も重要なポイントは、「読み手が第1段落を読むだけで全体像が見えてくるような書き方をすること」であり、最後まで読まないと主張が見えてこないような書き方は最悪です。従って、導入部分で自分の立場を述べ、本論で例を挙げながら説得していく、という書き方をすべきです。例えば今回のテーマでは、以下のような書き方ができます。

Urbanization has had both positive and negative effects on Japanese society. I will focus on the positive effects from the viewpoint of ‘economic effects’, ‘students’ academic development’ and ‘cultural development.’



本論(第2段落~第4段落) 各段落に、主張するポイントは1つだけ



 各段落内の構成は「トピックセンテンス(ポイントの明示) ⇒ 具体例 ⇒ まとめ」という形式にする必要があります。段落の冒頭で主張するポイントを述べ、次に具体例を挙げて主張を補足する、という書き方になります。例えば今回のテーマでは、第2段落で以下のような書き方ができます。 

First, the number of foreign tourists visiting Japan has rapidly increased in recent years, and its economic effect cannot be undervalued. In urban areas, we can enjoy many kinds of shops, restaurants and entertainment. Especially in Tokyo, there are innumerable Asian people who show a strong interest in shopping. Japan has been successful in enhancing customer satisfaction by meeting their needs and in establishing factors which increase repeat visitors. 




  Next, I will mention the relationship between academic environment and students’ academic development. In many areas, as urbanization progresses, prestigious university enrollment rates tend to increase. This is because there are many cram schools available, large-scale bookstores and prestigious high schools in metropolitan areas, while such resources are scarce in many rural areas. In fact, around 30% of the new student body in Tokyo university is from Tokyo. The evolution of the academic environment by the urbanization is clearly important for young people.

  Finally, cultures develop within a diversity of people. In other words, excellent culture comes from being in a melting pot. In the Showa period, many actors and musicians were born in Tokyo, especially at Waseda university which was famous for it’s melting pot.


結論(第5段落) 内容的に新しいことを述べる必要はない


As explained above, you can clearly see the positive effects of urbanization on Japanese society.




  Urbanization has had both positive and negative effects on Japanese society. I will focus on the positive effects from the viewpoint of ‘economic effects’, ‘students’ academic development’ and ‘cultural development.’

  First, the number of foreign tourists visiting Japan has rapidly increased in recent years, and its economic effect cannot be undervalued. In urban areas, we can enjoy many kinds of shops, restaurants and entertainment. Especially in Tokyo, there are innumerable Asian people who show a strong interest in shopping. Japan has been successful in enhancing customer satisfaction by meeting their needs and in establishing factors which increase repeat visitors.

  Next, I will mention the relationship between academic environment and students’ academic development. In many areas, as urbanization progresses, prestigious university enrollment rates tend to increase. This is because there are many cram schools available, large-scale bookstores and prestigious high schools in metropolitan areas, while such resources are scarce in many rural areas. In fact, around 30% of the new student body in Tokyo university is from Tokyo. The evolution of the academic environment by the urbanization is clearly important for young people.

  Finally, cultures develop within a diversity of people. In other words, excellent culture comes from being in a melting pot. In the Showa period, many actors and musicians were born in Tokyo, especially at Waseda university which was famous for it’s melting pot.

  As explained above, you can clearly see the positive effects of urbanization on Japanese society.  

                                              (240 words)


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