
Translation Programs at KEC

  • 2017年12月16日

Hello everyone!

This is Lee sensei of KEC. Another year is about to pass us by, and a new year filled with new beginnings is upon us. Do you have any exciting plans for Christmas or New Years? What hopes and dreams do you have for 2018?

I think it’s important to have dreams and goals for one’s life. Otherwise, our lives become dull, dreary and repetitive. Who wants to be stuck in the same situation for the rest of their lives??

At KEC, we are all about helping our students set new goals and achieve them. For example, did you know that we offer a comprehensive English-Japanese Translator / Interpreter program?

We offer certification-programs which are divided into levels to match the skill-level and goals of each student.

Why not use the new year as an opportunity to try something new?

Use your English ability to make a positive contribution to society!

Be sure to ask us about KEC’s translation certificate program.



KEC外語学院KEC Foreign Language Institute

大阪・京都の英会話スクール KEC外語学院|初心者の日常英会話6カ月マスター~プロ・通訳レベルまで驚異的な上達を可能とする独自のTP指導方式で目標達成公約! 真剣に学習する人のみ募集!できなければ出来るまで、熱誠指導に一切の妥協なし!大阪[梅田/枚方]・京都[烏丸御池]でTOEIC・TOEFL・英検・通訳も学べる英会話教室です。各種講座の無料個別ガイダンス・無料合同説明会・無料体験レッスンも開催中!

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