
英会話 -自信をもって自己紹介をする5つのステップー


5 Steps to introduce yourself with confidence in English

Hi, Hanna from KEC here! Maybe in your first lesson you learnt to say, “My name is ____. What’s your name?” And this may be good enough for beginners, but how about in the real world? For many people it is difficult to talk to someone new.

Here are 5 easy steps to introduce yourself to others confidently:

  1. Break the Ice

“Break the ice” means to become comfortable with people. There are many ways to introduce yourself, I suggest you pick 2 or 3 and memorize them.

For example: Hi, I’m Hanna. Nice to meet you. *offer hand to be shaken*

  1. Ask Follow Up Questions.

In native classes I always tell people to ask follow-up questions. Why? Because being able to ask a follow up question is a very good skill to keep conversations going!

Memorize 3 or 4 questions, here are some suggestions:

How are you?

What brings you here?

Are you enjoying yourself?


  1. Listen and Ask More Questions

Listening can be easier than talking, so it’s ok just to listen and ask questions. People like talking about themselves so it will be easy.

Here is a sample conversation:

                Meg: How are you?

                John: A little tired.

                Meg: Why is that?

                John: I didn’t sleep well last night.

                Meg: I’m sorry to hear that. What went wrong?

                John: I’m a bit jet-lagged from my flight.

                Meg: Wow, yeah. Where did you fly from?

                John: I came from New York last night.

                Meg: That’s far! How long was it?

                John: Just a few hours. But I had a long layover in Amsterdam.

Meg keeps the conversation going by asking for more information, and she also learns about him.

  1. Prepare Basic Answers

At some point, someone will ask you questions. It is best to memorize the answers to some general questions. Here are some examples:

                What do you do?

                What are you doing here?

                How was your trip?

                Are you having a good time?

                What do you think of the weather?           

You can say something general to specific questions even. Then add detail, detail keeps the conversation going. Then you can add a question.

General Answer Detailed Comment → Follow up question

This is basically how to keep a conversation going!

  1. Making an Exit

So if your conversation isn’t going well, or you needs to leave, here are some polite ways to part ways:

                Excuse me, I need to (find my friend/go to a meeting)

                Well, it’s been lovely talking to you.

                Best of luck.

                Nice to meet you, Brian.

                I hate to run off, but I need to go.

                Enjoy your time here!

But most importantly I would say is to smile and be confident (standing straight with your shoulders back), people will remember your confidence more than any small mistakes. People are generally happy to have someone talk to them, so even if you make a mistake, keep talking!

Best of Luck!

皆さんこんにちは!KEC外語学院のハナです。皆さん、英会話を習いたての頃に“My name is ___. What’s your name?”という表現は必ず習ったことと思います。最初はそれで十分かも知れませんが、中級、上級とレベルアップしてもそんな表現ばかり使っていても良いのでしょうか?


1.Break the Ice (緊張をほぐす)

Break the iceとは「場をなごませる」という意味です


例: Hi, I’m Hanna, nice to meet you. (握手)



Follow up質問を聞くことは会話を続ける際に役に立つスキルです。


How are you?

What brings you here?

Are you enjoying yourself




                Meg: How are you?

                John: A little tired.

                Meg: Why is that?

                John: I didn’t sleep well last night.

                Meg: I’m sorry to hear that. What went wrong?

                John: I’m a bit jet-lagged from my flight.

                Meg: Wow, yeah. Where did you fly from?

                John: I came from New York last night.

                Meg: That’s far! How long was it?

                John: Just a few hours. But I had a long layover in Amsterdam.





What do you do?

                What are you doing here?

                How was your trip?

                Are you having a good time?

                What do you think of the weather?


一般な答え  詳細なコメント  フォローアップ質問




                Excuse me, I need to (find my friend/go to a meeting)

                Well, it’s been lovely talking to you.

                Best of luck.

                Nice to meet you, Brian.

                I hate to run off, but I need to go.

                Enjoy your time here!



How to converse with confidence


KEC外語学院KEC Foreign Language Institute

大阪・京都の英会話スクール KEC外語学院|初心者の日常英会話6カ月マスター~プロ・通訳レベルまで驚異的な上達を可能とする独自のTP指導方式で目標達成公約! 真剣に学習する人のみ募集!できなければ出来るまで、熱誠指導に一切の妥協なし!大阪[梅田/枚方]・京都[烏丸御池]でTOEIC・TOEFL・英検・通訳も学べる英会話教室です。各種講座の無料個別ガイダンス・無料合同説明会・無料体験レッスンも開催中!

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